Big Skies At Home

Photo: Mike Howe
Photo: Mike Howe

My recent trip to America reminded me how exhilarating I find big skies and I now seem to be spending more time than usual photographing them on my walks.  Walking is something else that I’m doing a lot of, almost as if I can’t breathe properly without it.  These photos in black and white have come out quite well I think 🙂

Photo: Mike Howe
Photo: Mike Howe

24 thoughts on “Big Skies At Home”

  1. Beautiful images, Mike. – Their energy also matches very well with your song “Days Gone By” which is just playing in the background.

    I know it’s a bit late, but in case I haven’t said it, yet (or have I?): Welcome back! 🙂

  2. Perhaps it’s as if you’re now drawing inspiration from a wider place, and the big skies provide that sense of scope. Really love the b&w idea and the wide angle! Great photos.

  3. Do you see your home country differently now? We have spent vacation in Austria in the last years – mainly because we dreaded airports and “real travelling”, after too much travelling for business. And though I like to scroll through other people’s images from distant countries on social media – I feel I don’t miss out on anything. I think I have re-discovered my own country.

    1. Elke, for me it was nice to travel for the first time in many years because it did 2 things…1) It got me out of a rut and enabled me to see, smell and hear new things, something I needed to do more than I realised and 2) it made me really appreciate home. We tend to focus in this country too much on what’s wrong with it, but when you go away for a while it reminds you of what’s good about it.

      I’ve had my fill for now though, especially of aeroplanes, next year I’m hoping to drive my van down to the Alps, another area I’ve never seen. It’ll be good to stay on the ground. Sounds like Austria would be an excellent destination for us? 🙂

  4. It’s a great feeling to see and feel so much sky. The prairies are like that. We don’t have so much of a big sky on the coast, but we get our lungfuls of fresh air from the trees here. Still, that open sky makes you feel so energized and oxygenated. Great clouds pics, Mike.

  5. I love big skies. I lived in Montana for a few years, and they call themselves Big Sky Country. These photos are great, Mike. Keep it up!
    Love, too, your line on walking and the inability to breathe without walking. Powerful.

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